Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Scarface revisited

Year: 1983
Director: Brian De Palma
Starring: Al Pacino

As a part of my new series...

First Impression: I was probably 14 or so when I first saw this, so it's been about 11 years. I remember hearing how awesome this movie was from a lot of people my age. After pretending that I'd seen for long enough, I picked it up one weekend wandering the Pickering Flea Market. 

I wondered even then why the dude even allowed a teenager to buy such a "mature" rated movie, especially since I didn't even look 14 (I'm probably at that now), but I guess the vendors at a Flea Market are really all about the bottom line.

I watched it and like every other boy with a steady flow of testosterone, thought it was fucking awesome. I finally understood all the posters and rap songs and rearview mirror danglers! (Someone I knew had one, reveal yourself)

Prediction: It probably hasn't held up as well as I thought as a teenager and I'm probably not going to have much sympathy for that asshole Tony Montana.

Result: Wow...Tony Montana is much more of an asshole than I remember...but it's still a pretty solid movie. I definitely remember being a little confused about the plot when I was younger because "who cares?? Guns and cocaine!", but now it seems pretty linear to me and has some pretty good messages that I definitely overlooked as a kid. 

Although I feel the same way as I did in the past about Michelle Pfeiffer. That's really the best girl for the drug lord of Miami?

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