Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Great Re-watch Project (until I find a better name for it)

I very seldom have any inspiration to write, but when I do I feel like I have a lot to say...

And because I have absolutely no financial security to say what I really want about anything without being shitcanned, another idea came to me...

What movies haven't I watched in awhile?

Over the past few years or so, I've been on a mini project of sorts trying to watch some of the most critically acclaimed movies of all-time and most of them hold up even after numerous decades (especially the 70s).

But then I thought to myself...what movies from my childhood or teenage years did I hold in such high regard?

I've decided to go through my own movie collection (and memories) and take a second look at some films that I haven't watched in awhile.

So for each film that I revisit, I'll be dividing each post into three sections:

First Impression: What I thought of the movie years ago when I held it in the highest regard.

Prediction: What I believe I'll feel about it in retrospect before re-watching it.

Result: What I think of it now after re-watching it.


Austin Powers in Goldmember

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